Troupe Building Basics - Starting Moonstone
Building a troupe in Moonstone is a very simple process. The game has no point values as all models are designed to be equally powerful. So, there is no need to memorise any specific numbers or spend hours counting up points for a list, you can just jump right in and make a list in seconds! But what are the specific steps and rules in building a troupe?
The Basics
The first step of creating a troupe is to decide on how big the game you'll be playing is. As mentioned earlier there is no point system, so the size of the game is determined purely on the number of models used, usually 5 or 6 for your average game. After that, you choose your faction: Commonwealth, Dominion or Leshavult. Finally, you choose a number of models based on the game size all belonging to your chosen faction and that's it! Faction is determined by the symbol in the top right: A sun for the Commonwealth (Like above), a moon for Dominion and an antlered skull for the Leshavult.
Occasionally some models will have two faction symbols combined together on their card. In this case, the model can be used by either of the factions displayed on the card. So a model with the symbol above for example could be used in either Dominion troupes or Leshavult troupes. Mechanically though, that is it for building troupes! Choose game size, choose faction, choose characters and you're done! Next is just a few general pointers on good models to include in your troupe when choosing them.
There aren't really any auto-include models in Moonstone, however, there is one type of character which is generally a good idea for all troupes: A healer. With a healer, your troupe will be able to keep its key models alive and topped off with enough wounds to let them generate all the energy they need. As for which healer to use, either your favourite one or something that synergises with the rest of your troupe is usually a good idea. Speaking of synergies...
Some models revolve around a single trait, focussing on being buffed by and supporting characters with a specific trait. Therefore, if you are building a themed list based around a single keyword it's often worth considering these characters. Currently, the main examples of these are:
Brunhilde - Giants
Eric the Squire - Nobles
Finishing Touches
But what else is good to fill your troupe out with? It's usually a good idea to have at least one character who is good at harvesting and one character who can deal damage. You can also pick models based on your previous picks to build up synergies and more tactical options, such as using more fauns if you have Hoff. But, more importantly, the best way to fill out your troupe is with characters you like! Most choices are down to personal preferences and a model someone never uses might be your favourite by comparison. You just have to try out as much as possible to find out what works best for you to build your ideal troupe!
Hoff - Fauns
Mama Gimble - Gnomes
Muridae - Rogues
Sir Guillemot Poppycock - Soldiers
Diana, Queen of the Fae - Faeries
El Capitano - Goblin Pirates
The Goblin King - Goblins
Kalista, Leshavult Priestess - Cultists and Spirits
With a character like this thrown into a keyword themed troupe, you can produce a very cohesive and flexible troupe. Some of these characters, such as Kalista and Mama Gimble, even have healing abilities and so can even fulfill the role of a healer too!
Finishing Touches
But what else is good to fill your troupe out with? It's usually a good idea to have at least one character who is good at harvesting and one character who can deal damage. You can also pick models based on your previous picks to build up synergies and more tactical options, such as using more fauns if you have Hoff. But, more importantly, the best way to fill out your troupe is with characters you like! Most choices are down to personal preferences and a model someone never uses might be your favourite by comparison. You just have to try out as much as possible to find out what works best for you to build your ideal troupe!
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