The Future of Goblin Mischief

Nearly 5 years ago I attended a tournament for this fun-sounding skirmish game I'd heard about online called Moonstone. To say I enjoyed myself would be a bit of an understatement as, despite all the miniature games I was playing at the time, this was the only one I felt like producing content for. At first, this was just to write about a game that had really captured me and also to help me improve my writing. I'd certainly like to think my writing is better when compared to my first article now!

Following this I was lucky enough to have a few games against Tom himself at my regular friendly local gaming store. As I have now found out, most games when you're developing a game are playtest games and very rarely 'standard' games! Whilst helping with all this playtesting of the new characters I was able to see the final cards a little before release. Seeing the cards a few days before release was very helpful for the blog, allowing me to preemptively write articles for the upcoming characters. The first set would be the goblin pirates and Ribald with the Leshavult shortly following and the rest of the Arising after that.

Zoom forward to about 2 years ago (cripes, that long already) and thanks to what can only be a colossal administration error on Toms's part, I now find myself employed by Goblin King Games. With this and the new website and its latest section here: some eagle-eyed readers may have noticed a slight dip in the amount of articles here as of late. In addition to this, some may have also noticed more uploads of mine on the main website including some not on this blog.

This isn't so long and thanks for all the fish though, just a change of location! Most of the content here is now already on the website and all my new content will be uploaded there regularly. There may be some infrequent uploads here, but for my latest stuff, you should now keep your eye on the main website. It's still an absolute blast to write for such a great community and I look forward to continuing to do so in 2024. As for anyone who ever fancied starting up their own blog or some other form of content I can't recommend it enough, it's fantastic fun!



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