Portly Pete - Character Spotlight

Zzz... Huh?

Like many goblins, Portly Pete has an underwhelming stat line at first appearance. Unlike most goblins though, Portly Pete is slightly less evasive and has slightly more wounds than the rest of his goblin comrades. Although, as is typical with most goblins, these stats are a little misleading initially. This is where 'Asleep on the Job' comes in! Despite being a skillful goblin soldier, Portly Pete is often a little aloof, which leaves him in an awkward position at the start of the turn. Firstly, he can't be the first activation in a turn. However, when he finally wakes up, he gets a boost to his melee and evade stats which puts him more in line with the other goblin soldiers. This can be even more effective if the Goblin King is around since Pete gets this boost every time he activates!

Once he’s in combat, Pete can make use of +1 piercing and Impact damage to his melee damage. In turn, he can reduce all non-magical damage he suffers by -1. In practice, it means he'll deal extra damage on cards that aren't sweeping cut and reduce most damage he takes. 

This damage reduction isn't only useful for combat though. 'Goblin City Guard' allows Portly Pete to act as a bodyguard for other goblins who possess a moonstone. So, as well as directing damage away from potentially flimsier goblins, he can also use his armour to reduce the end amount of wounds he suffers! But that isn't his only trick with moonstones. If he isn't using stones on his goblin friends to bodyguard them, he can keep them safe on his person thanks to his 'Secret Stash'. With 'Secret Stash' his stones are safe from enemies who'd dare rob or force Pete to drop his hard-earned loot. 

As well as this huge stack of passive abilities, Portly has one more ability to finish his well-rounded toolbox of abilities. 'Stand to Attention!' is a traditional goblin energy boosting ability that also grants a mobility buff if the target is a soldier. It's therefore perfect for Vicious Syd, Doug, and Firespitter. This can be great for speeding them up if they need to get into range, like the Firespitter. Alternatively, it can compensate for their lowered speed if they picked up a stone earlier. Whilst you normally wouldn't want to pick up stones on a front-line fighter, Portly Pete changes this. He can keep stone carriers protected and as speedy as ever if they happen to be a soldier too!


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